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About Chemistry Star Tutoring
Creating Chemistry Stars Across the Country

We are proud to have helped students succeed in their chemistry classes at numerous schools across the country including:


Brandeis University

Broward College

Florida Atlantic University

Florida International University 

Florida State University

Lynn University

Nova Southeastern University

Palm Beach State College

University of California, Berkeley

University of Central Florida

University of Florida

University of Kentucky

University of Miami

University of Michigan


American Heritage School

Donna Klein Jewish Academy

Florida Virtual School

Hadar High School

Katz Yeshiva High School

Miami Country Day School

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

North Broward Prep

Nova High School

NSU University School 

Posnack School

Saint Andrew’s School

Spanish River High School

West Boca Raton High School


This is a partial list as the list of schools keeps growing!

You can get help. You can succeed. You need to start now.


Though the online environment may be new to many educators and students, I have been offering remote tutoring sessions for over years with high success. This experience has been an invaluable tool as I have been able to help high school students and college students excel in their chemistry classes. Since the pandemic caused schools to switch to distance learning, our sessions have been able to supplement the professor’s synchronous or asynchronous instruction and have helped the students excel that may have otherwise seen a decline in their comprehension, GPA, AP Scores, SAT Subject Test, Nursing exams, etc. 


We offer one-on-one tutoring tailor made to your course. During our session, we will explain the topics in a way you will understand. We will work out problems from your homework (or provide supplemental material) to practice and make sure you are confident in the material being assessed by your teacher. We will review your labs.  We will prepare for your exams.





Click to contact me for more information

Remote sessions work! Years of proven success!


Online tutoring is not new to me. It has been my method of services for a long time, and prior to the pandemic many students even preferred it over in-person sessions due to the flexibility and convenience.


Reduce your time spent on assignments. Reduce your study time by having it explained in a way you understand. Reduce your stress. At the end of each session, you will be sent a personal folder with notes from our session for you to be able to review, and we remain available for you to contact with questions. You will understand the material and you will succeed in the course.


With the right tutor and regular sessions starting at the beginning of the semester, you can absolutely excel in your chemistry course. All of our students over the last 20 years have increased comprehension and grades with regular tutoring sessions.







Read my reviews here

PLEASE NOTE: For the safety of students and tutors, Chemistry Star Tutoring is only offering services via remote learning sessions until further notice.
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